Monday, September 16, 2013

MAP Testing at PGE

During the next two weeks, your child will take tests called Measures of Academic Progress® (MAP®). We give students MAP tests to determine your child’s instructional level and to measure academic growth throughout the school year, and from year to year in the areas of reading and mathematics. Your child will take the tests on a computer.

MAP tests are unique in that they adapt to be appropriate for your child’s level of learning. As a result, each student has the same opportunity to succeed and maintain a positive attitude toward testing.  And with MAP tests, we can administer shorter tests and use less class time while still receiving detailed, accurate information about your child’s growth. Over the next few days, your child will spend a total of about 2 hours completing these tests. Each school year, students in grades 2,3 and 4 will take the MAP tests 3 times a year. Following each testing period, you will receive a report showing your child’s growth.

We are truly excited to begin a new era that focuses on every child’s individual growth and achievement. Partnering to help all kids learn, parents and teachers can have a profound positive effect on the lives of our children. For more information on resources for parents, download the Parent Toolkit at >> Partner Support.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

School Pictures

School pictures will be taken of all PGE students tomorrow, September 5th.  If you would like to order a picture package, please return the order form with your child(ren) tomorrow.

Behavior Expectation Stations

Today, students reviewed positive behavior expectations for our building.  Each classroom attended five behavior stations:  Hallway, Bathroom, Playground, Bus, and Cafeteria.  In these stations, they talked about ways to show responsibility, be respectful and above all, to always be safe. When students make positive behavior choices, they will earn stamps from their teachers.  They will be working towards earning enough stamps to attend our first behavior incentive at the end of the month.

Monday, August 26, 2013

First Week Update

It was a great first week and I really enjoyed meeting all of the Poplar Grove students.  We are beginning to get back into the routine of a school year and are working hard on learning our common core curriculum.

As you know from previous information sent home, we have changed the arrival and dismissal procedures for this year.  This was done to keep ALL students safe ALWAYS!!!!  As the week has progressed, these procedures have gotten a little better each day.  I do have a few more reminders that I feel will make the procedures go even more smoothly.

Definition of walker: A walker is any student who is walking or riding their bike to/from home OR is any student who has a parent walk up to the school to get them.

Walkers in the morning: Walkers may only enter at Door A (by front office) in the morning.  This allows all parents who are entering PGE to sign in, and allows us to supervise students while they are entering the building.  Parents need to drive all the way up to Entrance A, and let your children off there.

Parents in cars: Please do NOT pass around other cars while in the pick-up line.  We are trying to get the cars moved as quickly as possible and want to also ensure that all students are safe.

Parking Lots: Only staff should be parking in the entrance where the buses are.  Parents need to park in the south entrance (where Entrance A and K are located).

Safety Patrol: We now have 4th grade students assisting with drop-off and pick-up.  They will open and close doors of vehicles and assist students as they enter and leave your vehicle. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU ARE NOT LETTING CHILDREN OUT OF YOU CAR UNTIL YOU HAVE PULLED UP TO THE FRONT OFFICE DOOR (Door A).

I also need to alert all families about the district’s treat and snack policy.  The policy states that all treats and snacks must be STORE BOUGHT and prepackaged in individual servings.  No homemade treats or snacks are allowed at school. This applies to all birthday treats that students would be sharing with their classmates.  For further information, please refer to p. 10 of the North Boone Parent-Student Handbook.

Finally, it is my goal to keep communication flowing between parents and school.  Please make sure that you are checking the Principal’s Blog and Twitter account.  These can be found by going to the district website ( and clicking on Poplar Grove Elementary under schools.   Information will be regularly shared with parents here.

We will also share information by e-mailing a newsletter to each family at the beginning of each month.  For very important information, I will send a School Messenger message out to all families.

Again, I welcome you and your child(ren) to a new school year!  I am excited to see them learn and grow as the year progresses.  If you have any suggestions, concerns, or questions, please contact me by phone at 815-765-3113 or by e-mail at

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Grant News!

Hot off the presses--here is some great news for our Libraries!  

North Boone CUSD #200 is proud to announce that they are the recipients of a $5,000 "Back to Books" grant from the Illinois State Library. The grant project is called "Down on the Farm: Books for Kids in Rural Communities" and books on topics such as hunting, fishing, snowmobiling, cooking, gardening, horses, ATVs, and skateboarding will be purchased.  “I am pleased to be able to award these grants that will allow library users to be better educated and entertained,” said Secretary of State and State Librarian, Jesse White. “Our libraries perform so many essential tasks, but at their core what our libraries do best is make books and other materials available to patrons.”

Also in Library news:  Poplar Grove School is expanding the summer Library program this summer!  The Library will be open 2 times during the week, with one time being in the evening. This will accommodate people who are unable to attend during the day.  Exact times will be announced before the end of the year!

Happy Reading!!!  

Monday, April 22, 2013


We are on the big final learning push to the end of the year, and there are many exciting things coming up!

*A big shout out to the fabulous Poplar Grove Secretary, Mrs. Mary Piskie!  We are celebrating Administrative Professionals Day on Wednesday, the 24th.

*A huge round of applause for our Poplar Grove Volunteers.  Whether you have taken time to volunteer in the classroom, as a "Miracle Parent", Library Helper, PTO volunteer; we salute you.  You are such an important part of our team, and we hope you enjoy our special Volunteer Tea, after school on Wednesday.

*Our teachers are going to enjoy tomorrow, the 23rd!  They are going to have the opportunity to watch our Language Arts curriculum expert, Mindy Pudlo, in action as she models best practices in teaching both whole group and small groups of students.

*Ask your student about Eagle Fest!  Are they going to earn a golden ticket?

*Reminder.......Early Release on Wednesday, May 8th.  Our teachers will be learning more about teaching ELL students.

*MAP testing for 2-4th grades starting next Monday!  It will be great to see our spring scores--I believe we will have many things to celebrate.  You will be receiving all end of year testing results in the report card (except ISAT).  Students typically make a big leap academically the last quarter of school, and we can't wait to see what our results will show!!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Thank you to our wonderful community and Boone County for braving the rainy weather to support the increase in Sales Tax that will help our Schools!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


ISAT testing begins today for our 3rd and 4th grade students--all parents should have received an info letter and also information about the changes in the cut scores.  Testing season tends to be a stressful time in a school for both the students and staff--we have tried to make it a little more fun this year with our kick off assembly last week where the teachers surprised students with a flash mob ("I've Got A Feeling"--Black Eyed Peas); encouragement letters written to 3rd and 4th grade students from students in grades K-2 and  encouragement letters written from home; plus special ISAT treats.  

I believe there is one thing that especially dampens the ISAT mood (besides the fact that schools get judged on their success based on the outcome of one test), and that is the fact that we don't find out scores until after the school year is out!  That lack of immediate feedback is really contrary to best practice and everything we do in schools--we assess so that we can change instruction for students and to let students and parents know what they need to work on.  We talk so much about the ISAT test, and then I think that students are almost detached from the relevance once they receive the scores in the fall.  Our state is working on a new test called the  PARCC assessment that is supposed to be administered online.  Hopefully, with this, scores will be more meaningful as this feedback will be received in a timely manner.  

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

One School, One Book

Join us for our One School, One Book program! This month, all Poplar Grove students, families and staff are reading the classic children's story, "The Cricket in Times Square".  All families have been provided a copy of this book in their primary language, and students will enjoy participating in activities related to this book all month long.  At yesterday's kick-off, students enjoyed a skit performed by Poplar Grove Staff and were also entertained by a local fiddle player, Mr. Ben Doetch.

One of our school goals this year has been to strengthen the home/family connection and to encourage family literacy.  This project fits the bill perfectly!!  The funding for our books was provided by the North Boone Education Foundation, and the treats students enjoyed on the first day were provided by the PG PTO.  Parents have also sent in money to support the continuation of this program in the future.

The students were excited as they walked in to the school this morning and were especially proud to show off their reading logs!