Monday, August 24, 2015

Week of Firsts!

Wow!  We had a great first week of school at PGE!  We had so many firsts...first bus ride, first classroom, first "hot" lunch, and first teachers!  There were so many smiling faces each and every day, it made my heart melt to see them truly enjoying their first week of school!  We met many parents and family members at our Meet the Teacher Night last Thursday.  If you have not done so already please fill out our Back to School Survey at The survey results will help us plan events in the future!

Our Butter Braid Fundraiser officially begins today!  All order forms are due Wednesday, September 9th!  Prizes will be awarded to the top seller in each grade, in the school, and to the class with the highest percentage of sales.  All proceeds go to our PBIS Eagle Eye Program.  Throughout the year, as incentives we provide prizes and rewards for the students for displaying positive behaviors throughout the school.  We will be needing volunteers to staff our Eagle's Nest Store every other Friday this school year!  Please contact the office if you would like to volunteer to help during lunches if you did not sign up during Open House!  All students that sell at least 6 items earn a drawstring backpack.

Welcome back and we look forward to many more firsts this year at PGE!  If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at 815-765-3113 or via email at  My door is always open!

Also, please remember to visit the Poplar Grove Elementary School Facebook page.  Also, please follow me on Twitter at @PGE_Walsh.

Thank you and have a wonderful day!

Mrs. Walsh